Wait until the Instance State changes to Running and Status Check changes to 2/2 checks passed (Refresh the page).Ĭreate a new tab in your browser and open The Sign In form of the Callaba Cloud dashboard will appear. This process can take up to a few minutes. You’ll see your new instance being launched. First, make sure that the region displayed in the top menu matches the one you’ve specified. If you can’t see “EC2”, unfold the “All Services” list and you’ll find it under the “Compute” section.ġ1. Once you get to AWS Management Console, click “EC2”. Click onto your username in the top menu bar. Congratulations! You’ve successfully deployed Callaba Cloud Live Streaming! Save the file to a safe place, you might need it later to access your server.ĩ. pem file will be downloaded to your computer. Key Pair Settings: Create a new Key Pair and name it. Leave other settings unchanged, unless you are an experienced AWS user.Ĩ. Security Group Settings: Add a Name for your group and a Description. Security Group Settings: Click “Create New Based On Seller Settings”. Subnet Settings: We advise not to change these settings, if you are a beginner AWS user. VPC Settings: We advise not to change these settings, if you are a beginner AWS user. Instance type matters, as different servers have different load bearing capacity.Ĭ4.2xlarge can hold up to up to 40 streams simultaneously.Ħ. (We recommend using c4.2xlarge or c5.4xlarge). EC2 Instance type: Specify your instance type. For the Far East, AP Northeast 1 (Tokyo) is optimal.ĥ. California) | US West 2 (Oregon)įor Russia - depending on the location, EU North 1 (Stockholm) or EU Central 1 (Frankfurt) is optimal. Virginia) | US East 2 (Ohio) | US West 1 (N. We recommend using the one that is the closest to the geographic location of your publishers and recipients.įor USA - US East 1 (N. Wait until “Continue to Configuration” button becomes active and click on it.Ĥ. Once you’ve logged in on AWS, click the following link: Ģ. This procedure will take around 3 minutes.ġ. Before you start, you need to register an account on Amazon Web Services, if you don’t have one yet.